Who Is in the Hospice Team?

Medical Doctor
This medical professional works closely with other hospice team members and the individual’s physician to ease symptoms and discomfort related to their illness.

Attending Physician
The primary care physician, or attending physician, is responsible for referring patients to hospice care and continues to be the chief healthcare provider, working in unison with the hospice team.

Registered Nurse
Registered nurses specializing in pain management and palliative care are dedicated to ensuring comfort and quality of life for patients. They also train family members in ways to enhance the care provided to the patient.

Certified Nursing Assistant
Nursing assistants help with personal hygiene and comfort needs, such as bathing and other personal care requirements.

Medical Social Worker
Medical social workers offer counseling services for both the patient and family to cope with the difficulties arising from a life-limiting illness. They coordinate family communication and caregiver support and assist in finding financial and legal resources.

Hospice Chaplain
The chaplain is there to offer spiritual guidance to people from various religious backgrounds and coordinate religious services, acting as a bridge between the family and local religious leaders.

Bereavement Counselor
Bereavement counselors provide multiple services to the deceased’s family, assisting them in comprehending and processing grief.

Hospice Volunteer
These compassionate volunteers aid patients and their families by offering emotional support and temporary relief or respite.

At Limitless Hospice, patients are cared for by an interdisciplinary team of professionals. Contact us today to learn more!